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Full Committee

February 11, 2015 - 10:00 AM
H.R. 5, "Student Success Act"
Ordered favorably reported to the House, as amended, by a vote of 21 yeas and 16 nays

Archived Webcast

Opening Statements:

Press Release and Photo Album:

Amendments and Motions Offered:

Click on the amendment number for a PDF of the text

Offered By Description Action Taken Roll Call


Mr. Rokita amendment in the nature of a substitute adopted by voice vote
#2 Mr. Hinojosa reinstate Title III with increaser authorization defeated by voice vote  
#3 Mr. Russell  to affirm states right adopted by voice vote  
 #4 Mrs. Davis reinstate Title II, teacher prep defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 2
 #5 Mr. Heck requires the disaggregation of achievement data for military dependent students adopted by voice vote  
 #6 Mr. Courtney

funding for STEM and Ed Tech

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 3
 #7 Mr. Messer title I,  portability for public and private schools offered and withdrawn  
 #8  Mr. Grijalva reinstate qualified teacher definition/equitable distribution/teacher working conditions defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 4
#9 Mr. Brat requires annual report of reduced federal funding adopted by 21 yeas and 16 nays  No. 5
#10 Ms. Fudge fiscal provisions in Title I defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 6
 #11  Mr. Curbelo exempt English learners from proficiency calculations adopted by 22 yeas and 15 nays  No. 7
#12 Mr. Polis accountability and interventions defeated by voice vote  
#13  Mr. Walberg new state licensure scheme offered and withdrawn  
#14 Mr. Sablan support for research-based investment defeated by voice vote  
 #15  Mr. Grothman change local flexibility grant to block grant... offered and withdrawn  
#16 Ms. Wilson title I, part H - dropout prevention defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 8
 #17  Ms. Bonamici support for aligned assessment and reduction offered and withrawn  
#18 Mr. Pocan funding for literacy defeated by voice vote  
 #19  Mr. Takano charter authorizing standards in Title I defeated by 15 yeas and 22 nays No. 9
 #20  Mr. Jeffries college and career-ready standards for all students  defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 10 en bloc
#21 Ms. Clark pre-k programming as new ESEA title defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 10 en bloc
#22 Ms. Adams well rounded education defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 10 en bloc
 #23  Mr. DeSaulnier title IV, wraparound services/ community partnerships defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 10 en bloc
#24 Mr. Polis student non-discrimination act (SNDA) ruled non-germane
motion  Mr. Polis appeal the ruling of the chair on the Polis (SNDA) amendment    
motion  Mrs. Foxx

motion to table the appeal of the ruling of the chair on Polis (SNDA) amendment

adopted by 21 yeas and 16 nays  No. 1
 #25 Ms. Fudge mandatory funding for IDEA, title I, and early childhood programs defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 10 en bloc
 #26 Mr. Scott substitute amendment to Rokita amendment in the nature of a substitute defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays  No. 10 en bloc


Mr. Wilson report bill, as amended adopted by 21 yeas - 16 nays  No. 11

Additional Items:

Committee Report and Reported Bill:

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